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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SAGARIKA container terminal 39
SANGAM +leaf & container 31
SANGEETA +container 30
SC +container 21
SHEETROCK USG +container 17
SIKARAM +container 29
SILVER distemper +container 2
SNOWCRYL XT +container 19
SNOWCRYL xt +container 2
SONA PU-100 +container 16
SONA thermoware +container 21
SPARK +container 21
STAG BOND +deer & container 1
SUDARSHAN +container 1
SULDRIN SUPER +container 5
SUNCOL +container 1
container 2
SUNLINE +container 2
SUNLUX +container 2
SUPER STAR +container 1
SURBHI +container 2
SURYA +sun & container 6
SURYA TEX MATT +container 2
container 23
TARUN +container 34
THERMOTEX +container 19
TORRID +container 1
TRACTION +container 2
TRIZO +container 5
TRUMP +container 2
TRUMP +stripes & container 2
TUFF WOOD +container 2
UNI-GLOSSS +container 2
UNIT ULTRA BRITE +container 4
USHA +container 7, 12
UTSAAH +container 2
VELVET +container 2
VESNOLAC enamel +container 2
VICEROY +container 34
VOGUE +container 34
VOLGA SINEWY +container 11
WALL FACE +container 2
WALL STAR +container 2
WELCOAT +container 2
WOODCO +container 2
agsar RANGER +container 2
american container line +su 39
asianplus +container 2
bear brush container 2
boy container & brush 28
boy brush container 21
boy brush & container 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22
circle container & square 35, 43
cow hands & container 29
crophealth MARCH +container 5
excel +container 3
man container & brush 2
man brush & container 2
oval container 5, 10, 21
power full +container 7
quality +container 30
royal PARIVAR +container 30
shri TEX +container 21
superfix SL +container 1
supergrip +plants container 1
telephone & container 5
woman & container 3
woman bottle & container 29
containers 7, 16, 29, 30, 32
containers & arc 5
DABBAWALLA +containers 16, 30
containers 2
JAWA +containers 7
JAYCO SUPER +containers 17
JOLLY containers 20
MTR SINCE 1924 +containers 16
NAMDHARI sweets +containers 35
NATRAJ ASHOK +containers 31
containers 20
POOJA disposable containers 17
RADHE containers +oval 17
RELAX disposable containers 20
SINCRO +containers 11
TEAM CLASSIC containers 21
TEAM PREMIUM containers 21
TOPAZ +containers 21
ZENNITH +containers 31
a ALPET containers 21
containner 5
containner 30
NATRAJ +containner 31
UR +containner 7
rabbit brush & containner 2
TRES contempo 25
BIANCA contemporary 24
CAC contemporary arts craft 27, 20, 24
SH contemporary +circles 35, 41
n NEL'S contemporary fashio 25
C9 COFFEEGRAPHY content +cu 42
WEALTH TEC data content 36
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